2008 Dusa Blu U Photodynamic Blue Light Therapy - Rock Bottom Lasers

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2008 Dusa Blu U Photodynamic Blue Light Therapy

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2008 Dusa Blu U Photodynamic Blue Light Therapy; Excellent Cosmetic and Operating Condition; Includes: Blue Lamp, Stand, Key, and 90 Day Warranty


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Size: Width = 35.75 inches, Depth 26.5 inches, Height=51 inches
Weight: 180 lbs
Light source: Narrow band blue fluorescent tubes, continuous output
Power requirements: 120 VAC, 2.5 Amp, 60 Hz

The Dusa BLU-U 4170 offers effective, non-invasive and pain-free blue light treatment for moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris, a condition affecting millions of adults, teens and children in the United States. Narrow band blue light causes a photodynamic effect within the pylosebaceous gland that kills P. acnes, the bacteria primarily responsible for acne vulgaris.

How Blue Light Treats Acne Vulgaris:

In the treatment of acne vulgaris, 417 nanometer (nm) blue light activates endogenous photosensitizers within the P. acnes bacteria. This creates a toxic bacteriocidal environment in the sebaceous gland that inhibits the obstruction of the sebaceous follicle and formation of acne lesions.

Innovative and Economically Sound:

The BLU-U 4170 is ideal for physician practices experienced in dermatological management of acne, as well as those seeking a new practice expansion opportunity outside of the managed care system. Yet, this robustly built, high quality device is priced for easy affordability.

Effective Treatment:

The BLU-U 4170 utilizes patented, proprietary technology to deliver uniform narrow band blue visible light that efficiently activates porphyrins within the P. acnes bacteria. When used in a series of brief (approximately 16 minutes) exposure sessions, it provides a simple, non-invasive treatment regimen. BLU-U 4170 treatments can be a primary treatment, an alternative to pharmaceuticals and topicals, or an adjunct to skin care programs.

Simplified Design Saves Time:

The BLU-U 4170 emits safe, cool, visible blue light – it is not a laser. It can be easily managed and operated by qualified ancillary staff*, freeing the physician’s time for more demanding patient care tasks. The simplified controls are easy to learn, easy to use, including key-operated on/off, timer control, and indicator lights. The BLU-U 4170 requires little space and operates on standard power. The illuminator is easily adjusted for treatment in the normal sitting or reclining position for flexibility in your daily routine.

*Consult the regulations of your state medical board for specifics.

The Blue U is FDA Approved to treat actinic keratoses (AKs) and Acne

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