Why a Used Medical Laser Could be the Perfect Investment for Aesthetic Clinics - Rock Bottom Lasers

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Why Buy a Used Medical Laser? What the Laser Manufacturers Don’t Want you to Know

In the fast-paced world of aesthetic medicine, where consumers are constantly seeking the latest and greatest treatments, staying competitive is crucial. However, this need to stay ahead often leads aesthetic clinic owners and medical professionals to make hasty and costly decisions regarding their equipment purchases. This blog post will explore the benefits of buying used medical lasers and how this strategy can provide a significant advantage in the competitive aesthetic industry.

The Appeal of New Aesthetic Equipment

When a new piece of equipment hits the aesthetic market, there is often a race among clinics to be the first to offer this cutting-edge technology. Consumers in the aesthetic industry tend to be early adopters, eager to try the latest innovations in the hope that it will be the solution they’ve been looking for. However, this rush to acquire new technology comes with significant risks:

High Initial Costs

Clinics that purchase the latest technology typically pay top dollar to buy it directly from the manufacturer. Unfortunately, most new aesthetic equipment becomes obsolete within 2 to 3 years, yet leases on this equipment often last 5 to 6 years. Leasing companies require a personal guarantee, effectively turning a lease into a long-term purchase commitment.

Rapid Technological Evolution

The aesthetic industry is characterized by rapid technological advancements. While this evolution drives innovation, it also means that equipment quickly becomes outdated. Clinics may find themselves making monthly lease payments on equipment that has become a “doorstop” inside their practice, delivering little to no return on investment (ROI).

Competitive Disadvantages

If your practice buys a new medical laser at full price while your competitor buys the same laser pre-owned at a 70% discount, your competitor gains a significant advantage. Lower fixed costs on capital equipment translate to higher profit margins for them, allowing them to offer lower treatment prices. In contrast, your practice may struggle to match these prices or differentiate itself through other value-added benefits.

The Benefits of Buying Used Medical Lasers

Given the risks associated with purchasing new aesthetic equipment, a more strategic approach is to buy used medical lasers. Here are the key benefits of this approach:

1. Significant Cost Savings

By waiting 18-24 months after a new device is introduced, you can purchase used equipment at a fraction of the original cost. This allows you to save 70-80% on the purchase price, letting someone else take the hit on depreciation.

2. Proven Technology

Purchasing used equipment allows you to monitor the reception of the technology in the aesthetic industry. You can go beyond the initial hype and assess the level of satisfaction among doctors who have been using the device for 18-24 months. Attending meetings such as the ASLMS and discussing items with other physicians at trade shows can provide valuable insights and clinical data.

3. Reduced Financial Risk

By waiting and buying used equipment, you mitigate the financial risk associated with new technology. If the device lives up to expectations, you can invest confidently, knowing that you are acquiring proven technology at a significantly lower cost. This approach ensures that your practice remains financially stable and competitive.

Implementing a Smart Equipment Strategy

To optimize your practice’s equipment strategy and stay competitive in the aesthetic industry, consider the following steps:

1. Patience and Research

Exercise patience and conduct thorough research before purchasing new equipment. Monitor the performance and satisfaction levels of new devices in the market over 18-24 months.

2. Attend Industry Events

Attend industry events, such as the ASLMS, to gather firsthand information from other physicians who have experience with the equipment. Trade shows provide an excellent opportunity to network and gain valuable insights.

3. Evaluate Clinical Data

Review clinical data and real-world results to ensure that the equipment delivers on its promises. This due diligence will help you make informed decisions and invest in technology that provides a genuine value proposition.


In the dynamic world of aesthetic medicine, making informed decisions about equipment purchases is crucial. By opting for used medical lasers, you can save significantly on costs, reduce financial risks, and ensure that you are investing in proven technology. This approach allows your practice to remain competitive, profitable, and well-positioned to meet the evolving needs of your clients.

If you’re ready to explore the benefits of buying used medical lasers, contact us today to learn more about our selection and how we can help you optimize your practice’s equipment strategy.  Give us a call today and we will set you on the path to great financial prosperity at  800-794-1097.

Invest wisely, compete effectively, and thrive in the aesthetic industry with the right equipment strategy.

Author:  Vin Wells, MHSA

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