Wavelength: Pico-Second 1064nm & 532nm
This pico-second laser is the first affordable dual-wavelength (1064nm & 532nm) laser that provides tattoo removal, skin revitalization procedures for wrinkles and acne scars, and freckle, sunspot, and pigmented discoloration treatment. It includes a laser arm manufactured in South Korea, the world leader in laser arm optics.
There are different types of tattoo removal devices on the market, but not all lasers are created equal. Nanosecond lasers, which deliver pulses of light in nanoseconds, have been used for years. Picoseconds, on the other hand, are trillionths of a second. Studies show a picosecond laser removes tattoos faster and more completely than the existing nanosecond laser technology, resulting in upwards of 30% more ink clearance. How many treatments a patient will need depends on their tattoo size, tattoo colors, skin types, and other key factors. Several sessions may be necessary to effectively remove larger tattoos. Generally, treatments are spaced out with 4 to 6 weeks in between.
The PicoTech Laser is a must-have for any modern tattoo removal clinic or aesthetic practice. Provide safe, effective, fast tattoo removal with the PicoTech aesthetic laser device and ensure what matters most for your patients: minimal downtime and high satisfaction rates.
- 36% of Americans between the age of 18 and 29 have at least one tattoo.
- 21% (45 million) of all Americans have at least one tattoo.
- 72% of adults with tattoos have ones that are hidden by their clothing.
- 17% (7.6 million) of adults with tattoos hide them with clothing because they regret having them.
More than just tattoo removal
In addition to tattoo removal, the PicoTech may also be used to revitalize skin and treat other benign skin conditions and discoloration including acne scars, freckles, sun spots, and pigmented lesions.
Advanced technology
The PicoTech machine offers high performance speed and comfort, and operates off a standard wall plug (110vac).
PicoTech energy is “non-thermal” and is delivered using a photo-mechanical effect with high peak power. This allows the ultra short pulse durations to shatter ink pigments without causing thermal damage.
Fast Pulses
PicoTech 750 -picosecond pulse duration laser technology outperforms nanosecond lasers (also known as Q-switched lasers).
What is the PicoLazer Laser Tattoo Removal Machine?
The PicoTech pigmentation laser device features new technology with high-energy, short pulse lasers to remove tattoos. The multi-wavelength laser system uses short pulses of 532nm and 1064nm wavelengths to penetrate and fade tattoo ink of all colors. Non-thermal ultra-short pulse durations shatter pigment without causing heat damage. The PicoTech tattoo removal laser equipment also features multiple laser wavelengths and pulse widths for larger spot size and smaller spot sizes. Different wavelengths allow you to effectively tackle different tattoo pigment colors, skin discoloration, and skin types. In addition, the PicoTech can treat other discoloration and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, leaving patients with totally revitalized skin.
How Does Laser Tattoo Removal Work?
During laser tattoo removal, the laser hones in on the particles of pigment embedded in the skin. When pulses are applied, the laser dissolves the capsule membrane that has grown around the pigment over time. Phagocytes — a type of cell that can remove foreign particles in the body — are attracted to the site of the laser. The phagocytes then eat up the pigment. The treated skin becomes red and flaky, and soon the pigment peels off along with the dead skin layer or is processed naturally in your body and excreted by the liver. Different pigment colors react to different wavelengths, which is why the multi-wavelength PicoTech laser system features both 1064nm and 532nm options.
Is Laser Tattoo Removal Safe?
Yes, laser removal is the safest, most effective, FDA-approved method to remove unwanted tattoos. The PicoTech removes a wide range of tattoo ink colors with minimal risk.
Does Laser Tattoo Removal Hurt?
Pain during the laser tattoo removal procedure can be managed with numbing cream, cooling, and injection of local anesthetic. Several sessions may be necessary to remove larger tattoos, with treatments spaced out 4 to 6 weeks to allow time to heal.
How Long Does Laser Tattoo Removal Take?
A consultation is required to assess the size, placement, color, and age of the tattoo, as well as the patient’s skin type and aesthetic goals. Most tattoos will require multiple sessions to remove. Removing red ink is more difficult than treating black ink areas, for example, while green pigments are some of the most stubborn.
Indicated Uses
- Tattoo removal
- Skin revitalization
- Wrinkles
- Acne scars
- Freckles
- Sunspots
- Pigmented Lesions