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- Noir Laser Eyewear
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- Syneron, Inc.
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- Thermage, Inc.
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- Ulthera, Inc
- Ultra Aesthetica
- Venus Concepts
- Vibraderm
- Viora
- Vivace
- Viveve
- Wells Johnson
- Zeltiq
- Zimmer
- Procedure
- Acne Scars
- Acne Treatment
- Body Contouring
- Body Contouring – Diode
- Body Contouring – Hands Free
- Body Contouring – Radio Frequency
- Body Contouring – Ultrasound & Radio Frequency Combined
- Cellulite Smoothing
- Collagen Regeneration
- Complexion Analysis
- Dental
- Dry Eye
- Epidermal Renewal
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Face Contouring
- Face Oil Reduction
- Facial
- Fat & Cellulite Reduction
- Fat Grafting
- Fractional Skin Resurfacing
- Hair Restoration
- Incontinence
- Laser Hair Removal
- Laser Hair Removal – Diode
- Laser Lipolysis
- Liposuction
- Lymphatic Massage/Drainage
- Melanin Reduction
- Melasma Removal
- Microdermabrasion
- Microneedling
- Muscle Sculpting
- Oxygen Skin Therapy
- Pain Relief
- Photodynamic Therapy
- Photofacial Rejuvenation
- Pigment Reduction
- Pigmented Lesion
- Podiatry
- Pore Minimizer – Minimize Enlarged Pores
- Psoriasis
- Reverse Photo-aging Damage
- Rosacea Treatment
- Scar Correction
- Skin Chilling
- Skin Rejuvenation – Ablative
- Skin Rejuvenation – Non-Ablative
- Skin Rejuvenation – Sublative
- Skin Resurfacing
- Skin Tightening
- Skin Tightening – Eye Area
- Sterilize
- Stretch Marks Removal
- Surgical
- Sweat Reducer
- Tattoo Removal
- Toenail Fungus
- Ulcer/Wound Healing
- UVB Phototherapy
- Vaginal Rejuvenation
- Vascular Lesions
- Vascular Structure
- Vein Removal
- Warts
- Wrinkle Reduction
- User Manuals
- Wavelength
- 10,600 nm (CO2)
- 1060 nm (Diode)
- 1064 nm (Diode)
- 1064 nm (Nd Yag)
- 1064 nm & 755 nm
- 1064 nm, 755 nm & IPL
- 1100 – 1800 nm (Infrared)
- 1319 nm (Infrared Nd Yag)
- 1320 nm (Infrared Nd Yag)
- 1400 nm (Erbium Glass)
- 1440 nm Nd Yag
- 1450 nm (Diode)
- 1470 nm
- 1500 nm (Erbium Glass)
- 1540 nm Erbium Glass
- 1550 nm Erbium Glass
- 1565nm
- 1927 nm (Thulium)
- 2790 nm (Erbium YSGG)
- 2940 nm (Erbium Yag)
- 308 nm (Xenon Chloride)
- 532 nm (KTP / Q-Switched)
- 585 nm (Pulsed Dye)
- 595 nm (Pulsed Dye)
- 635 nm (Diode)
- 650-660 nm (Diode)
- 670 nm
- 694 nm (Ruby)
- 700 nm
- 755 nm (Alexandrite)
- 800 nm (Diode)
- 805 nm (Diode)
- 810 nm (Diode)
- 900 nm (Diode)
- 940 nm (Diode)
- Acoustic Wave Therapy AWT
- AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology)
- AMP – Active Magnetic Pulse
- Blue Light
- Direct Bio-Electrical Muscle Stimulation
- ElectoFusion
- EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation)
- IPL (Broad Spectrum)
- LED (Light Emitted Diodes)
- LIESWT – Low- Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
- Radio Frequency
- Radio Frequency – Bipolar
- Radio Frequency – Monopolar
- Radio Frequency – Unipolar
- Shock Wave Therapy
- TMA – Thermo-Mechanical Action
- Ultrasound
- Ultrasound & Radio Frequency
About Rock Bottom Lasers
Vin Wells is the President and Founder of Rock Bottom Lasers and Cosmetic Laser Deals and has extensive
experience in the aesthetic laser industry. Mr. Wells started his own chain of aesthetic clinics under the
brand name Skinovative and opened his first medical spa in Boise, Idaho in February 2001. From 2001
to 2004, the Boise location realized over a 20% annual rate of growth, exceeding over $1,000,000 in gross
revenue by years end 2004. Subsequently in 2004 and 2005, Mr. Wells opened two additional locations
in Arizona (Chandler & Tucson) with annualized store revenues for all three locations exceeding $3 million
by end of year 2005. Since that time, Mr. Wells has devoted his energies to helping other physicians and
entrepreneurs become successful in this industry. Additional Skinovative locations have been opened under
Mr. Wells’ direction and generate annual gross revenues ranging anywhere from $800,000 to
$1,300,000 per Skinovative clinic.
Mr. Wells received a masters degree in Health Services Administration from Arizona State University (1995)
and has extensive practice management experience, working with a number of different hospital and outpatient
care systems. Mr. Wells has developed a number of business operations systems that help aesthetic clinics to
maximize their profitability, including: Aesthetic Consultation Training, Medspa Management Training,
Medspa Business Plans, Medspa Operations Manuals, and Front Desk Operations Training. These products
can be found at:
Mr. Wells received his bachelors of Science degree at Brigham Young University in 1991 and continued his
education at Arizona State University, in Tempe, Arizona, receiving a Masters in Health Services Administration
in 1994. He has worked for a number of different health care organizations including working as a Program Director
for a group of primary care clinics (Arizona Association of Community Health Centers), a Health Care Manager
for a hospital network group (Arizona Healthcare Federation), and as Associate Director for the Arizona Council
for Graduate Medical Education.
Mr. Wells has devoted considerable time in researching the latest cosmetic trends and treatment modalities. He
stays current on the cutting edge of such research and uses this information to make strategic decisions
for the company. He has a broad understanding of lasers and has been certified in laser biophysics and theory.
Mr. Wells was successful in developing a Laser Certification Program that was approved by the Arizona
Radiation Regulatory Agency, the agency that oversees the use of medical lasers in Arizona. The program involves
40 hours of laser didactic curriculum as well as hands-on laser training.