Essential Tips for Effective Laser Maintenance - Rock Bottom Lasers

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Medical Laser Maintenance: Tips for Flawless Treatments

Owning an medical laser system is a hefty investment. If you want to be recognized by offering high-level services and keeping patients satisfied, you need your aesthetic laser to be in perfect shape. That’s why there’s nothing worse than beginning your day with a full waiting room of patients and an aesthetic laser with an error code showing!

Maintaining your equipment not only keeps your system safe and secure but also saves you money by avoiding damage and downtime to your laser, ensuring effective treatments for your customers. Remember, owning and operating an aesthetic laser system is a great responsibility. Maintaining it is critical to you, your clients, and your business.

Importance of Laser Maintenance

Your laser system is the backbone of your medspa or dermatology practice. Without proper maintenance, you risk encountering unexpected errors that can disrupt your schedule and negatively affect your reputation. Regular maintenance ensures your laser operates at peak performance, providing reliable and effective treatments every time.

Routine maintenance also extends the lifespan of your laser, protecting your investment. By following a structured maintenance plan, you can prevent costly repairs and replacements, keeping your practice running smoothly and efficiently.

The Importance of a Laser Maintenance Checklist

Creating a maintenance checklist is essential for keeping track of the various tasks required to maintain your laser. A checklist ensures that no critical maintenance step is overlooked and helps you stay organized. By systematically addressing each item on the list, you can maintain your laser’s performance and avoid potential issues.

Daily Maintenance Items

Daily maintenance is crucial for keeping your laser in optimal condition. Simple tasks, performed regularly, can significantly impact the longevity and functionality of your equipment.

Protective Window Inspection/Cleaning

The protective window is a vital component of your laser system. Frequently inspect it for debris build-up, as this can lead to permanent damage if not maintained. Inspect the window after treating every patient and clean it if necessary. Use acetone with a water content of < 0.5% to clean the protective window. Apply a small amount of acetone on the cotton swab tip, shake off excess if necessary, and gently wipe the window surface.

Handpiece Cleaning

Proper handpiece cleaning is essential for maintaining the effectiveness of your laser treatments. Clean and disinfect IPL and laser handpieces between each use. Use germicidal disposable wipes to clean and disinfect the handpiece housing. For IPL handpieces with dried gel on the crystal, a warm wet cloth should remove the dried debris. For laser handpieces, clean the window of the light guide at the end of each session to avoid interference in light distribution, which may reduce the effectiveness of subsequent treatments. Acetone can be used to remove any streaks left behind by cleaning the crystal.

Weekly Maintenance Items

Weekly maintenance involves more comprehensive tasks that help keep your laser system in top shape. These tasks ensure the system remains clean and functional, reducing the risk of overheating and other issues.

Air Vent Cleaning

A dust-free air vent (heat exchanger) located at the bottom of the laser is paramount to optimal system operation. Dust flows more freely on hard surface floors versus carpet, so it’s important to check more often if this is the case. If the heat exchanger becomes clogged, the system will overheat prematurely, often resulting in a temperature-related error code. Overheating can also be experienced after a long procedure from treating a large area of the body, such as a back or both legs.

A common practice is to turn the laser off between cases, but this actually has the opposite effect because the laser is not allowed to cool down properly. If you have less than 20 minutes between clients, leave the laser on so the fan can cool the system down to prevent temperature-related problems during the next procedure.

An alternative method for inspecting and cleaning the heat exchanger can be employed requiring less effort and greater efficiency. Use a hand mirror to inspect the bottom of the laser (heat exchanger) for dust accumulation. The inspection takes only seconds and should be done regularly based on the environment where the system is located (for example, once a week for hard floors). Dust can be removed by rubbing a Swiffer brush on the vent where the dust has accumulated. Recheck with a mirror to ensure all the dust has been removed. Dust can also be removed using a vacuum.

Adding Coolant (Distilled Water)

Distilled water is used as a coolant. Tap water has minerals and deposits that shorten the life of the laser cavity and all handpieces. Distilled water can be purchased at a local grocery store or pharmacy. Maintaining the correct water level in the cooling system is essential for preventing overheating and ensuring the laser operates efficiently.

Biannual Maintenance Items

Biannual maintenance tasks are more in-depth and help ensure your laser system remains in excellent condition for the long term. These tasks are typically performed by professionals but can also be managed in-house with the right tools and knowledge.

Replace Deionizing Water Filter

Replacing the deionizing water filter is a crucial biannual maintenance task. This filter helps maintain the purity of the water used in the cooling system, preventing mineral build-up and ensuring the laser operates smoothly. A clean water filter protects the internal components of the laser and extends its lifespan.

Scheduling Professional Maintenance (At Least Annually)

While regular in-house maintenance is essential, scheduling professional maintenance at least annually is equally important. Professional technicians can perform a thorough inspection of your laser system, identify potential issues, and make necessary adjustments. They can also verify the light/laser output power rates with a power meter, clean the interior, and ensure all components are functioning correctly.

Keep a Log of All Maintenance Performed

Maintaining a detailed log of all maintenance performed on your laser system is crucial for liability purposes. This log serves as a record of your commitment to keeping the laser in excellent condition and can be useful in case of any disputes or issues. Documenting maintenance tasks helps identify patterns and potential problems, allowing you to address them proactively.


Effective maintenance of your aesthetic laser system is essential for providing high-quality treatments, ensuring patient satisfaction, and protecting your investment. By following a structured maintenance plan, you can keep your laser operating at peak performance, minimize downtime, and extend its lifespan.

For medspas, medical spa owners, dermatologists, and laser safety officers, implementing regular maintenance routines and keeping detailed records is a critical part of ensuring the success of your practice. By staying proactive and addressing maintenance tasks promptly, you can avoid costly repairs and continue offering exceptional services to your clients.

Ready to take your laser maintenance to the next level? Contact us today to learn more about our professional maintenance services and how we can help you keep your laser system in top shape.

Keep Your MedSpa Shining with Proper Laser Maintenance

Owning a med spa or dermatology clinic is a rewarding endeavor, but it comes with its challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining your equipment. Aesthetic lasers are a significant investment, and their proper maintenance is key to ensuring they provide effective treatments and keep your clients satisfied. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the importance of medical laser maintenance, provide a comprehensive checklist, and offer practical tips to keep your lasers in top condition.

The Importance of Laser Maintenance

If you’ve invested in a used medical laser, you know how crucial it is to keep it in optimal working condition. A well-maintained laser ensures that your treatments are effective and that your patients receive the high-quality service they expect. Regular maintenance also helps prevent unexpected breakdowns, which can disrupt your schedule and hurt your bottom line.

Neglecting maintenance can lead to a host of problems, from reduced effectiveness of treatments to complete system failures. This not only impacts your reputation but also results in costly repairs and lost revenue. By following a regular maintenance schedule, you can extend the life of your laser, improve its performance, and ensure the safety of both your staff and clients.

The Importance of a Laser Maintenance Checklist

A maintenance checklist is an indispensable tool for keeping your aesthetic laser in excellent condition. It ensures that you don’t overlook any critical maintenance tasks and helps you stay organized. Regularly following a maintenance checklist can prevent small issues from becoming major problems, saving you time and money in the long run.

Daily Maintenance Items

Protective Window Inspection/Cleaning

The protective window is a crucial component of your laser system. It must be inspected for debris and cleaned regularly to prevent permanent damage. After treating each patient, check the window and clean it if necessary using acetone with a water content of less than 0.5%. Apply a small amount of acetone to a cotton swab, shake off any excess, and gently wipe the window surface.

Handpiece Cleaning

Handpieces should be cleaned and disinfected between each use to ensure hygiene and prevent cross-contamination. Use germicidal disposable wipes to clean the handpiece housing. For IPL handpieces with dried gel on the crystal, a warm wet cloth should remove the debris. For laser handpieces, clean the window of the light guide at the end of each session to remove gel and dirt.

Weekly Maintenance Items

Air Vent Cleaning

The air vent (heat exchanger) located at the bottom of the laser system must be kept dust-free for optimal operation. Dust can clog the heat exchanger, causing the system to overheat and potentially shut down with a temperature-related error code. Regularly inspect the air vent using a hand mirror and clean it with a swiffer brush or vacuum.

Checking Coolant and Adding More If Necessary

Distilled water is used as a coolant in laser systems. Check the water level in the cooling system weekly and refill if necessary. Tap water should be avoided as it contains minerals that can shorten the life of the laser cavity and handpieces. Distilled water can be purchased at local grocery stores or pharmacies.

Biannual Maintenance Items

Replace Deionizing Water Filter

Every six months, replace the deionizing water filter to ensure the purity of the coolant. This helps maintain the performance and longevity of your laser system.

Scheduling Professional Maintenance

At least once a year, schedule professional maintenance for your laser system. A trained technician can conduct a thorough inspection, clean internal components, verify the light output rates with a power meter, and perform any necessary repairs or adjustments.

Additional Tips for Effective Laser Maintenance

Keep a Log of All Maintenance Performed

Maintaining a detailed log of all maintenance activities is essential for liability purposes and helps you track the health of your laser system. Record the date, type of maintenance performed, and any observations or issues noted during the process. This log can also serve as a helpful reference for technicians during professional maintenance visits.

Add a Backup Laser in Case of a Breakdown

Having a backup laser on hand can save you from potential disruptions in your practice. In case your primary laser system experiences a breakdown, a backup laser ensures that you can continue providing uninterrupted service to your clients while the primary system is being repaired.


Proper maintenance of your aesthetic laser system is crucial for the success of your medspa or dermatology clinic. By following a comprehensive maintenance checklist and implementing the tips provided in this post, you can ensure that your laser system remains in top condition, providing effective treatments and keeping your clients satisfied.

Remember, a well-maintained laser not only enhances the quality of your services but also saves you money in the long run by preventing costly repairs and downtime. If you need further assistance or professional maintenance services, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experts. We’re here to help you keep your medspa shining and your clients happy.

Author:  Vin Wells, MHSA
Rock Bottom Lasers

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