1995 Coherent Ultrapulse 5000C Co2 Laser - Rock Bottom Lasers

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1995 Coherent Ultrapulse 5000C Co2 Laser

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1995 Coherent Ultrapulse 5000C – with Recharged Co2 Tube to be Installed before Delivery ($6,500 Value); Manufactured 02/1995; Good Cosmetic and Operating Condition; Includes: Pattern Generator Handpiece, Handpiece Case, 3mm, 1mm and .2mm Spot Size Attachments, (2) Operator Eyewear, (1) Patient Eyewear, Key, Footswitch, and 90 Day Warranty.km


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Laser Type:Co2, RF excited Co2 Gas
Wavelength:10,600 nm
Output Power:100 W (average)
Pulse Energy:0.5 J
Pulse Length:1 ms
Repetition Rate:200 Hz
Min. Beam Diameter:0.02 cm (1/e2), 0.014 cm (1/e)
MPE:0.1 W/cm2
Minimum OD:4.0 @ 10,600 nm
Delivery Devices:Articulated Arm with Handpieces and CPG Scanner

The UltraPulse 5000C CO2 laser can be used for precise cutting in a variety of applications as well as facial resurfacing with a CPG (Computer Pattern Generator) scanner.

The Coherent UltraPulse 5000c laser systems are used for skin resurfacing, hair restoration and other endoscopic or incisional methods of medical procedures. This laser combines with the CPG (Computer Pattern Generator) to provide the perfect solution to facial resurfacing and acne scarring.

Indicated Uses:
Skin Resurfacing
Hair Restoration
Other Endoscopic or Incisional methods
Facial Resurfacing
Acne Scarring

Date Sold

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