Main Power:100~240VAC or 50/60Hz, Auto selectable
Auto Mode:40 Degrees Celsius ~ 45 Degrees Celsius,
Temperature measurement accuracy:±1 Degrees Celsius
Manual Mode:1%~100%, Power intensity stop = 1%
RF Output:470kHz ± 10% sine wave; Maximum 250W; Auto adjustable and Manual adjustable; 1~30min (1min step)
Active Electrodes:20mm, 30mm, 40mm, 50mm, 60mm, 70mm, 80mm, 100mm
Display:320×240 Backlight Mono Graphic LCD
A Radio Frequency Diathermy Device –
* Improves cellular function, circulation of blood & lymph, relief of pain, and the enhancement of collagen tissues.
* Applications also include controlling obesity & body shape, removing wrinkles, enhancing scalp health and improving skin health.
Active/Lead Electrode Benefits –
* Each connected electrode is automatically recognized and supplies the proper amount of power to prevent the burning that can occur during operation.
* By using a built-in sensor to automatically control how much current will be conveyed, a user can more safely and conveniently use the product, since the lead electrode measures a change in the temperature of the skin on a real-time basis thru comparison of target temperature.
* No sparks occur during operation due to the perfectly insulated electrodes – preventing burns and shocks to the patient.