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- Wavelength
- 10,600 nm (CO2)
- 1060 nm (Diode)
- 1064 nm (Diode)
- 1064 nm (Nd Yag)
- 1064 nm & 755 nm
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- 1320 nm (Infrared Nd Yag)
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- 1440 nm Nd Yag
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- 1470 nm
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- 1540 nm Erbium Glass
- 1550 nm Erbium Glass
- 1565nm
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- 2940 nm (Erbium Yag)
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- 595 nm (Pulsed Dye)
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- 670 nm
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- 755 nm (Alexandrite)
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- 805 nm (Diode)
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- 900 nm (Diode)
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- LIESWT – Low- Intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
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- TMA – Thermo-Mechanical Action
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Home / Products / Wavelength / 1064 nm (Nd Yag) / 2009 Sciton Joule with BBL & SkinTyte, ProLipo, ProF-XC, Contour, and MLP
2009 Sciton Joule with BBL & SkinTyte, ProLipo, ProF-XC, Contour, and MLP
2009 Sciton Joule; Manufactured 05/2009; Good Operating and Cosmetic Condition, Single Owner; 2940nm Pulse Count = 283,539; 1064 Pulse Count = 5,101; 1319 Pulse Count = 4,150; Includes: Joule Modular Platform ($36,000); ARM – Broadband Articulated Delivery Arm ($15,000); Fiber – Port ($15,000); Single 1064nm Module ($29,500); Single 1319nm Module ($29,500); First Contour TRL Module 2940nm ($29,500); BBL Broadband Pulsed Light Module with 420 Blue Filter, 515, 560, 590 Skin Rejuvenation, 590, 640, 695 Hair Removal, 15mm x 15mm Square Adapter, 11mm Round Adapter, 7mm Round Adapter ($36,000); SkinTyte Accessory ($20,000); ProF-XC Module 430micron Accelerated with Thermal Control ($39,500); Dual Wavelength Alternating Delivery System ($18,000); 40 Watt 1064 ProLipo Laser Assisted Liposuction Module ($37,000); 30 Watt 1319 ProLipo Laser Assisted Liposuction Module ($30,000); ProLipo Fiber, Handpiece and Cannula Accessory Kit, LAPG Telecentric Scanner for 2940nm Contour TRL & MLP Applications ($12,000); TempASSURE Accessory Touch Screen Control Module with 3 Cannulas, Charger and Case ($14,000); Micro Laser Peel Handpiece, Fraxional Handpiece, BBL Handpiece in Case, Rubber Handle for Handpieces, 4mm/6mm Spot, 2mm.3mm Spot, Profile Accessories in Case, Profractional XC in Case, ProLipo Accessories in Case, (7) Operator Eyewear, (1) Footswitch, (1) Key, (1) Operator Manual, and 90 Day Warranty
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