2012 Cynosure Revlite SI Q-Switched Tattoo Laser with 532, 582, 650 & 1064nm - Rock Bottom Lasers

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2012 Cynosure Revlite SI Q-Switched Tattoo Laser with 532, 582, 650 & 1064nm

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2012 Cynosure Revlite SI Q-Switched Tattoo Laser with 532, 582, 650 & 1064nm; Manufactured 12/2012; Excellent Cosmetic and Operating Condition, Single Office Owner, Will received Full Maintenance Service December 2016; Includes: SI Handpiece with Kit & Case, Varispot 532nm Handpiece with Case, Multilite 650nm HRR Dye Handpiece with Case, (4) Operator Eyewear, (3) Patient Eyewear, Footswitch, (2) Keys, Operator Manual, Warning Sign, and 90 Day Warranty.


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System Type:Nd Yag, 532Lite Handpiece & Dye Impregnated Polymers
Wavelengths:1064nm, 532nm, 585nm, 650nm
System Type – Nd Yag:Wavelength = 1064nm & 532nm; Pulse Width = 5-20 nsec; Maximum Rep Rate = 10 Hz
:1064nm Maximum Fluence Per Spot Size – 8.5mm = 2.1 J/cm2, 8mm = 2.3 Jcm2, 6mm 4.2 Jcm2, 4mm = 9.4 J/cm2, 3mm = 12 J/cm2, 2mm = 12 J/cm2, 1.5mm = 12 J/cm2, 1.5mm = 12 J/cm2; PTP Mode – 8.5mm = 2.7 J/cm2, 6mm = 5.5 J/cm2
:532nm Maximum Fluence Per Spot Size – 6mm = 1.5 J/cm2, 4mm = 3.4J/cm2, 3mm = 5 J/cm2, 2mm = 5 J/cm2, 1.5mm = 5 J/cm2, 1.2mm = 5 J/cm2; PTP Mode – 6mm = 1.6 J/cm2
System Type – 532 Lite Handpiece:Wavelength = 532nm; Pulse Width = 5-20 nsec; Maximum Rep Rate = 10 Hz
:532nm Maximum Fluence Per Spot Size – 3mm = 0.4 J/cm2, 2mm = .08 J/cm2, 1.5mm = 1.4 J/cm2, 1.2mm = 2.3 J/cm2
System Type – Dye Impregnated Polymers:Wavelength = 585nm & 650nm; Pulse Width = less than 7 nsec
:585nm Maximum Fluence per Spot Size – 2mm = 8.2 J/cm2; Maximum Rep Rate = 2 Hz
:650nm Maximum Fluence per Spot Size – 2 mm = 5.5 J/cm2; Maximum Rep Rate = 1 Hz
Aiming Beam:Red, Variable Intensity
Electrical Requirements:220 V, Single Phase, 8 Amp, 50/60Hz, 10 Amps at 220 V AC
Size (H x W x D):113 cm x 30.5 cm x 72.5 cm
Weight:59.4 kg


Built on ConBio’s original Q-Switched laser technology, RevLite™ SI is a new-generation Q-Switched Nd:YAG laser, currently available in the US and Canada. Its multi-wavelength system provides greater efficacy, comfort and power.

Maximum Power and Versatility
Delivering 1064 nm and 532 nm, with MultiLite Dye Handpieces extending the wavelength capabilities to include 585 nm and 650 nm, RevLite SI provides the versatility you need to target the full color spectrum of tattoo inks. It also allows you to perform:

* target the full color spectrum of tattoo inks
* non-ablative skin resurfacing
* wrinkle reduction
* acne scar reduction
* dermal and epidermal pigmented lesions, including melasma

RevLiteSI’s advanced technology features include:
SmartInfiniteTM (SI) Handpiece
MultiLite Dye Handpieces (585 nm and 650 nm)
532Lite Handpiece
PhotoAcoustic Technology Pulse (PTP)
Precision Beam Technology

Precision That’s Quick and Easy
The Smart Infinite (SI) Handpiece provides continuous 0.1 mm micro-adjustments in spot size, enabling you to easily select the largest spot size with the highest fluence for faster and more efficient treatments. The spot size setting is automatically communicated to the laser control system, making spot size changes quicker and easier than ever.

More Capabilities
RevLite SI includes MultiLite Dye Handpieces that extend the laser’s wavelength capabilities. The 585 nm (yellow) and 650 nm (red) wavelength handpieces allow for effective full-color tattoo removal.

For precisely treating small pigmented lesions at very low fluences, the 532Lite Handpiece with spot sizes in continual 0.1 mm increments is also part of the RevLite SI system.

Greater Efficacy and Comfort
With proprietary PhotoAcoustic Technology PulseTM (PTP), RevLite SI takes power and short pulse duration one step further. Our exclusive PTP is a unique dispersion of energy that delivers very narrow pulse widths at peak power, for efficient removal of unwanted pigment. Clinical studies indicate that the PTP mode offers greater efficacy and increased patient comfort for skin revitalization.

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