New Viora V-ST Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Handpiece for V20 or V30 - Rock Bottom Lasers

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New Viora V-ST Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Handpiece for V20 or V30

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New Viora V-ST Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Handpiece for V20 or V30, Radio Frequency Skin Tightening; New Cosmetic and Operating Condition; Reason for Selling: Downsizing; Includes: 90 Day Warranty. (km/yi2.2)


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V-Nd Yag Handpiece:
Applicatons:vascular lesions, skin rejuvenation and focused hair removal.
V-IPL Handpiece:
Expert Filters:415, 530, 580, 570 & 630
Applications:Acne, Vein & Pigment, Skin Rejuvenation, Hair Removal
V-FR handpiece:
Energy Type:Radio Frequency
Treatment Area:6.9 mm X 10.42 mm
Frequency:1 MHz
Energy/Power:Up to 10 J
Pulse Duration:10-100 ms
V-ST handpiece:
Energy Type:Radio Frequency
Treatment Area:8 mm X 8 mm
Frequency Mode:Mode 1 – 0.8 MHz
Mode 2:1.7 MHz
Mode 3:2.45 MHz
Mode 4:0.8 MHz, 1.7 MHz, 2.45 MHz
Energy:Up to 130 J/cm3
Pulse Duration:50-200 ms
V-Form handpiece:
BC Large Applicator:Treatment Size – 97mm x 83mm; Power – Up to 50 W; # of Electrodes – 6; Treatment Area – Large Areas – Abdomen, Thighs, Buttocks;
BC Medium Applicator:Treatment Size – 63mm x 57mm; Power – Up to 50 W; # of Electrodes – 4; Treatment Area – Medium Areas – Abdomen, Thighs, Buttocks;
BC Small Applicator:Treatment Size – 24mm; Power – Up to 25 W; # of Electrodes – 4; Treatment Area – Small & Sensitive Areas – Inner Thighs, Underarms;

• The V-Nd:YAG handpiece for vascular lesions, skin rejuvenation and focused hair removal. The V-Nd:YAG includes four spot sizes for full customization, according to customers’ needs.

• The V-IPL handpiece for hair removal, skin rejuvenation, hyperpigmentation, vascular lesions and acne clearance. The V-IPL handpiece has five interchangeable filters, ensuring complete treatment coverage for all skin types and conditions. The V-IPL handpiece is driven by PCR™ technology for targeted pulse configuration.

• The V-ST handpiece for skin tightening utilizes Viora’s proprietary CORE technology with three individual RF channels and a fourth channel incorporating all three frequencies for greater depth penetration and control.

• The V-FR handpiece for skin resurfacing, skin rejuvenation and acne scar clearance uses Viora’s innovative SVC™ technology of switching, vacuum and cooling gives physicians greater control by delivering unprecedented penetration depth control and allowing practitioners to determine the desired biological response.

• The V-FORM handpiece for a complete, non-invasive, clinically proven solution, V-FORM Handpiece is Viora’s leading smart technology, delivering powerful, customizable contouring, cellulite reduction and tightening solutions without any downtime for your patients!

Viora Nd Yag Handpiece
With continual, sustained growth in demand for medical aesthetic procedures which combat sings of ageing, Viora’s V-Nd:YAG handpiece is primed to produce dramatic, long lasting results for the treatment of vascular lesions, skin rejuvenation, as well as dark skin hair removal.

V-Nd:YAG is highly versatile allowing for complete treatment personalization and a wide range of offerings meaning you can invest less and deliver more. With Viora’s integrated PulseConfigurythm PCRTM proprietary technology and interchangeable spot sizes, you can fulfil all of your patients’ needs with the highest level of efficacy. The addition of contact cooling adds an additional layer of safety leaving your patients feeling calm and comfortable.

Viora IPL Handpiece
Superior light technology for the most requested treatments.
V-IPL is setting a new standard for intense pulsed light treatments offering instant, painless results for Skin Rejuvenation, Acne Clearance, Vascular Lesions, Pigmented Lesions, and hair removal.
Thanks to Viora’s innovative PCR™ (PulseConfigurythm) technology, practitioners have unprecedented levels of control and treatment customization while maintaining the highest levels of efficacy and safety. Interchangeable filters allow you to perform the industry’s most requested aesthetic treatments for all types of skin, increasing your potential clientele and ensuring you get maximum return on your investment.

Viora V-ST Handpiece
Now you can perform non-invasive skin tightening and achieve superior results! If your clients are looking for a solution to their sagging skin, caused by gravity or photo-aging, the Viora V-ST handpiece is your answer. Skin tightening treatments with the Viora V-ST handpiece are clinically proven, safe and painless, with no downtime.
The advanced Viora V-ST handpiece integrates Viora’s proprietary and revolutionary multi-RF technology, CORE (Channeling Optimzed Radiofrequency Energy). The ability to do facial and body skin tightening with one handpiece is unique to Viora. This is due to CORE’s three channels of different frequency depths, and a fourth channel incorporating all three frequencies. Combined with contact cooling, the Viora V-ST handpiece delivers the most comfortable, effective skin tightening treatments available.

Viora V-FR Hand Piece
Fractional RF (Radio Frequency) treatments allow for safer, more comfortable treatments for patients looking for skin resurfacing, rejuvenation, acne scar clearance, wrinkle reduction and pigmentation disorders. Now with the Viora V-FR hand piece you can offer your clients an effective, minimally invasive solution to more aggressive treatments, ensuring that they have a safe experience, with little to no downtime.
The second generation of fractional RF technology is available only with the Viora V-FR hand piece due to Viora’s proprietary SVC™ (Switching, Vacuum and Cooling) technology. With the innovative Switching, Vacuum and Cooling features, you have more control over your treatments, with the ability to target the specific application you want, according to the skin layer, enabling treatments requiring coagulative and ablative responses.
With this improved control available using the Viora V-FR hand piece and SVC technology, you can customize each treatment’s parameters per individual patients’ needs and symptoms, allowing you to treat areas considered more difficult, such as the neck, decollete and hands.

Viora V-FORM Handpiece
Give your practice the edge over the competition while receiving the highest return on investment possible backed by full clinical training, sales and marketing support.

Integration of Viora’s smart technologies has taken care of the heavy lifting so you can deliver your patients smoother, firmer skin and timeless curves from treatments that take just minutes to complete!

* Shipping is included in the Continental USA only. Any shipment outside the lower 48 United States will be shipped at an extra cost. If you live outside this area, please contact us for a free shipping estimate.