2022 Alma Duo Vascular Structure Non-Invasive Shock Wave Therapy Device - As-Is (jp/jg)x - Rock Bottom Lasers

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2022 Alma Duo Vascular Structure Non-Invasive Shock Wave Therapy Device – As-Is (jp/jg)x

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Alma Duo Vascular Structure Non-Invasive Shock Wave Therapy;

Manufactured 02/2022; Good Operating and Cosmetic Condition; Reason for Selling: Downsizing;

Includes: System Only, As-Is. (jp/jg1.5)x

Does Not Include Applicators, Warranty or Free Shipping.

Original price was: $60,000.00.Current price is: $2,975.00.

Out of stock


Are Consumables Required for the Alma Duo? No




Alma Duo®
Put the Fun Back in Function

The market for performance-related concerns is growing, with 122 million U.S. men and women affected1, 70% of which are linked to reduced blood flow2 Originally used for stone fragmentation, orthopedic, and cardiology concerns, Alma Duo utilizes focused low-intensity shock wave therapy (LI-ESWT) to stimulate blood flow, supporting function and restoring spontaneity and pleasure.


Vascular Structure post Shock Wave Treatment3

Features & Benefits

  • Quick, 15-minute in-office treatment with no downtime
  • Non-invasive, no prescriptions, needles, or surgery required
  • Clinically validated long-term results
  • Emerging treatment to address functional needs

Alma Duo Enhancement of Sexual Function for men and women

Alma Duo is a revolutionary new treatment to improve the sexual health of men and women utilizing ultrasound wave treatments to increase blood flow to the penis, clitoris and vagina, helping to rejuvenate erectile and orgasmic function.  This patented shock wave therapy causes mechanical stress to the treatment site, triggering a cascade of wound-healing responses to stimulate better blood flow and restore more natural function.

The Alma Duo treatment is a quick, easy, painless 15-minute office procedure requiring no topical anesthetic and no recovery time.

Long- Lasting

Alma Duo is a long-term fix that requires no drugs, needles, or surgery. It restores natural function and brings spontaneity back to your life. It’s a natural way to address the cause of many forms of erectile and orgasmic dysfunction. Long lasting clinical results have been validated at least two years post treatment.

How Does Alma Duo® work?

Alma Duo uses a completely painless level of the latest gold standard focused low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LIESWT). This patented technology results in a cascade of healing responses to stimulate increased blood flow (angiogenesis) and restore more natural and more youthful function.

Who is a good candidate?

Alma Duo Survey

Men who have performance issues that are vascular or age related or women who have difficulty reaching orgasm are the best Duo candidates, Alma Duo will not address behavioral or psychological issues. (See survey right)

How Many Treatments Are Needed?

The standard treatment consists of six sessions over a three-week period. Each session lasts approximately 15 minutes. The Benessere Clinic Practitioners will discuss a treatment plan that is best for you. We can adjust the scheduling to fit your needs and availability.

How Does It Feel?

Alma Duo is a comfortable, pain-free treatment that delivers low-intensity pulses with no discomfort.   The sensation experienced feels like a light tapping .

What can a patient expect during the treatment?

Duo is a quick, easy, in-office treatment. The patient will lie on a treatment bed and a practitioner will placer the applicator head on the treatment area.  Five areas are treated on male patients and three areas on female patients.

Is There Downtime?

Alma Duo is a 15-minute treatment with no recovery time. There are no limitations to your activities after treatment, including sexual intercourse.

* Shipping is included in the Continental USA only. Any shipment outside the lower 48 United States will be shipped at an extra cost. If you live outside this area, please contact us for a free shipping estimate.

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